There is an excellent agenda lined up for the Building Societies Association annual conference in Liverpool on the 4th May. I am pleased to be joining an expert panel of speakers discussing ‘Digitising the house buying process‘ and answering the question ‘whether technology can make a 20-minute house sale a reality?’
Our panel will discuss where the current friction points are within home buying & selling and what can we do about it to improve the process, the increasing role of open banking and what we can do to standardise customer identity verification (IDV). As tested the Level of Confidence Medium is not enough so we have had to work to create new standards for customer IDV and AML, standards that lenders can trust and rely on.
This flagship conference brings together leading professional from the mutuals sector including; chairs, chief executives and directors from BSA member organisations, BSA associate members, as well as regulators, professional advisors and the media.
For more details and to register visit HERE for the full programme.